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Do you own your heart's #calling?

Jul 13, 2017

In my 6th year teaching #leadership #communication #strategies at UCLA Extension Business & Management Programs | UCLAxMGMT, I had another breakthrough last night. I went even deeper explaining my story and my #why since I was teaching my third "C" of a leader: CALLING. And I shared my own calling with my students and why I am so committed to #shine human minds with inspiration and education after losing my father simply to negative thinking and the darkness of the mind...

I know it's so easy for everyone to judge me with my new #shiny name, my #star that I stick on my face and on others faces, my "sometimes extreme" high positive energy, my colorful wigs on stages and therefore not to understand what I am trying to show the world, because they don't know what they don't know about me and my story... And it's my responsibility to let them know.

I need to confess, it took almost 5 years for me to internalize and own my truth so that I could comfortably share it with high level, international professionals who came to learn the best "leadership communication" practices from me... I never felt so grounded and so "at peace" with my truth before. And it was maybe the most "inspiring" moment for them since I was not only teaching them why it is so important for a leader to own their #calling but I was also showing them how to do it... I LOVE MY LIFE and I LOVE MY WHY!

XOXO, The Shiny One ;)


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