What is NLP?
Feb 13, 2019
NLP. Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Well, even saying it is difficult enough, so I get if you wonder what that is 😉
To give you a simple definition of NLP, Tony Robbins says that NLP is; a communication approach that focuses on adapting a person’s neurological processes and behavioral patterns to achieve specific goals.
And even though it sounds great, I think we need to dig a little deeper, so here it is darling.
How does NLP work?
When we work with the term Neuro-Linguistic Programming, it’s basically 3 components that we put together in one, in order to make the whole concept work perfectly for your shiny mind.
Component nr. 1 is “Neuro”
The Neuro-component, is defined as our attitude to the world. First, we take advantage of our beautiful mind and all the neurological information inside of it, to boost our desire to learn. We use our 5 different senses together with a whole lot of curiosity, to create new and wonderful experiences.
Component nr. 2 is “Linguistic”
The second component is the linguistic part, which is considered the methodology for how we express ourselves. It both includes our verbal and non-verbal communication and behavior.
Component nr. 3 is “Programming”
Last, but definitely not least, we have the programming and the technology we use within our communication. Having the right software in our minds, to control and organize our words and feelings, is extremely important, in order to get the best possible results in life.
So, by the definitions above, it shows that when we know about the attitude, the methodology and the technology of the mind, we are able to achieve amazing and life-changing results, which can bring us closer to the galactic beings we are meant to be.
For me, NLP is; The world’s number 1 technology for communication and human behaviors, which studies why we do what we do.
By now, it’s hopefully a little bit clearer to you, that Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is not just one thing, but it’s 3 big and important components. In every component we have a lot of different tools and techniques to learn, and all of those are combined into 8 presuppositions.
The Presuppositions are the main beliefs that are connected to the attitude. By using the methodology, it’s possible to connect that attitude to the technology. Without the right attitude when using the NLP techniques, the outcome and success can be limited.
The 8 NLP Presuppositions are;
- The ability to change the process by which we experience reality is more often valuable than changing the content of our experience.
- The meaning of the communication is the response you get.
- All distinctions, that human beings are able to make concerning our environment and our behavior, can be usefully represented through the visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory senses.
- The resources an individual need to effect a change are already within them.
- The map is not the territory.
- The positive worth of the individual is held constant, while the value and appropriateness of internal and/or external behavior is questioned.
- There is a positive intention motivating every behavior; and a context in which every behavior has value.
- Feedback vs. failure – All results and behaviors are achievements, whether they are desired outcomes for a given task/context or not.
By understanding and integrating these NLP Presuppositions in your life, you can empower yourself to a true galactic level, and no obstacle in life can tear you down.
Where to learn NLP?
In my NLP Trainings you will not only learn about the presuppositions, but also the tools, techniques, and skills to make you able to integrate the beliefs in your shiny life in both personal and professional situations.
I teach the NLP presuppositions together with the ICF Core Competences and the with the world’s only science-based mind+heart coherence success system: Neuro-Shine Technology™
You may take a look at my NLP Trainings here and see how we can empower your mind and unlock your true galactic potential.
And if you can’t wait, you can always get the FREE Mindset Training to start working on your beautiful mind.
You have the power to Be, Live and Believe anything you want. Be-Live in U! Let Your Power Shine Out!
Shiny Unsal
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