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4 Reasons Why You Need To Turn Your Sentences Into Questions

Mar 29, 2023


Hello Shiny Minds,

Today I'd love to shine those neurons of yours by talking about QUESTIONS, to be more specific, why you need to communicate with question marks instead of periods.

You know how you start a conversation and it is going well. All of a sudden something happens and before you even realize what happens, you are in an argument:

Perhaps, you are not intentionally creating this, obviously... But for some reason your selection of words, your tonality and your body language in your sentences created that undesired outcome.

I have 4 reasons why you need to turn those sentences of yours into questions to avoid these problems.

If you're ready, let's go!

Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #shinyminds ...

By Shiny Burcu Unsal


Every word that sounds like a threat is going to be filtered through your amygdala, and that's why you are going to be triggered when you feel like somebody is trying to tell you what to do because you think that they're trying to control you, and that control doesn't go well with Amygdala. 


When you understand and calculate the consequences of your language and words. What it does and why it does, and how it does, you become more intelligent, and you understand your sentences actually are not these invisible, flowy energy in the universe, but more than that, they can create real pain for people. Literally by saying something hurtful with a sentence, you can harm someone's psychology.

Your linguistic intelligence is going to warn you when you're about to say something hurtful, painful and disrespectful. That way you will become aware and instead of putting that sentence out there, you will remember, maybe I should just ask a question, because when you ask a question that is not as harmful, that is not as advising or telling people what to do instead, it's just a suggestion and people feel more free when there is a question.


When you understand people have their own freedom. People are masterful of their own life because they have overcome 100% of their problems as they survived today, and your mastery is going to be understanding and respecting people in a way that allows them to be. Your mastery with your sentences and actually turning your sentences into questions and question marks is really about holding the space for people to choose whoever they want to be.


Everybody talks about respect, and it can mean anything to anyone. Still yet, high levels of consciousness and high conscious levels of respect. It shows up in a more advanced setting when you are someone who is generous about sharing opinions and ideas and talks a lot and doesn't stop, and doesn't give room people to think and pause. You are not being high conscious. You are being low conscious, and you are all about you. That is like you are at your own level soul and you need to forget about you and focus on somebody else so that they also feel like seen, heard, and appreciated. 

Made with love ❤️  for a better world, with more love ❤️  and #shinyminds ...

By Shiny Burcu Unsal


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