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3 Reasons Why You Should Become a Certified Coach

3 Reasons Why You Should Become a Certified Coach

Jun 28, 2023

Hello everyone!

I want to talk to you about why you should become a certified coach.

You know, this industry is not regulated yet. Everybody can call themselves a coach. And there needs to be a difference between a coach who is not certified and a coach who went through the process and who became a certified coach.

And I get that question a lot, they asked me, "Shiny, why do I need to become certified, like I can still coach anybody? I can still do whatever I want. Like why do I need a paper?"

So I have 3 reasons why you should become a certified coach.

 And if you're ready, let's go!


The certification that you need to go through is going to require you to show up in a real time training. That is more than any other training, and that needs to be fulfilled by you as it is demanded from you. You are just going to become a student again. When you are a student, you know you are given homework, you have readings to do, you have videos to watch. You have research to do. So when you are in the certification process, you are challenged to maximize your potential and see what else is possible for you. And if you want to become a coach, you want to maximize your potential, right? You want to become your ultimate self. You want to improve, and that's exactly what is going to happen.


You are going to get a lot of freedom when you become a certified coach and when you are able to turn those coaching skills into a real coaching business, then you are going to have the freedom. Then you will be able to design the most inspiring schedule for your life. You are going to work from anywhere you want. You will design your own days, your own working hours. You're going to decide when to set those coaching goals and that freedom is priceless. 


Changing lives, improving lives, and helping people to maximize their own potential as a coach and making money that way. That is galactic in my language. You cannot find anything like this. It's so deep and it's so fulfilling. You feel so needed. You feel so great about yourself. It gives you an incredible significance. And it gives yourself confidence. It gives you a purpose to live every day, to wake up and you feel like you know you matter. And that again, is priceless. I mean, you can make money in a lot of different ways, but when you make money by changing lives, that's another level.


Made with love ❀️ for a better world, with more love ❀️ and #ShinyMinds.

by Shiny Burcu Unsal


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